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Film 'Writer of o / Ecrivain d'o'

BDSM Algemeen
1 uur en 20 minuten

Omschrijving op doos of achterflap

I was thrilled and horrified when, as an adolescent, I read in secret the best-selling erotic novel The Story of O. I always wondered who the real author was... So when I heard that a British journalist had written a book and article unveiling the secret identity of the real writer behind Pauline Réage, I went, as he had done, in search of her... I finally just looked up the name in the computerized telephone directory. Out of the four listings in the far outskirts of Paris, I tried the first one. I was very lucky to discover the eighty-nine-year-old real writer of O." - Pola Rapaport

Writer of O is a dramatic documentary on the long-hidden author of the world-famous, erotic novel Story of O. Known for forty years as Pauline Réage, the author chose at 86 to reveal herself as Dominique Aury, a mild-mannered literary editor for Gallimard, France's most prestigious publishing house.

The contrast of her two disparate personalities forms the center of this hybrid film, which sets documentary footage of her and her contemporaries against dramatized scenes from her erotic novel and fictionalized scenes from her life during the period in which she wrote her scandalous book.

The film treats the subjects of sex and love, literature, feminism, censorship, creativity and freedom. Central to the discovery of Aury's motivation for writing the book is the love story between her and her lover, the celebrated French man-of-letters, Jean Paulhan. Their clandestine affair inspired the book and is re-created here in moving scenes from Aury's essay "A Girl in Love."

Major figures in the film include the audacious publishers Jean-Jacques Pauvert in France and Barney Rosset of Grove Press in the U.S. The British author and journalist, John de St. Jorre, author of a revelatory article in The New Yorker which exposed Aury, leads us through the story. Regine Deforges, the novelist and journalist who conducted a revealing interview with Aury in 1975, Confessions of O, re-imagines that conversation with actress Catherine Mouchet playing the role of Dominique Aury.

Scenes from Story of O are also dramatized in the film, creating an atmosphere similar to that found at the chateau which Aury described in her book: frightening, visceral, mysterious, and profoundly erotic.


kleur, video, 1 uur 20 min. Editing: Variety Moszynski Muziek: Hélène Blazy Fotografie: Wolfgang Held Produktie: Silvie Cazin Regie: Pola Rapaport Screenplay: Pola Rapaport Geluid: John Murphy, Myriam René


Het betreft hier een documentaire, die op het idfa in Amsterdam op 22 november 2004 in première ging.

Toen 'Histoire d’O' in 1954 werd gepubliceerd, veroorzaakte het een sensatie. Het sadomasochistische verhaal, over een vrouw die zich onderwerpt aan een lange reeks erotische vernederingen om haar geliefde te plezieren, shockeerde Frankrijk. Het boek werd een nationale bestseller en was in de jaren zestig internationaal de best verkochte Franse roman. Maar wie was de auteur, die zich verschool achter het pseudoniem Pauline Réage? Lange tijd viel de verdenking op de bekende schrijver Jean Paulhan, die het voorwoord had geschreven. Een vrouw kon zoiets namelijk niet schrijven. Pas in 1994 maakte Paulhans geliefde, de journalist en essayist Dominique Aury, zich bekend als de auteur
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01-01-2000 (3)Profielafbeelding Ster-DeelnemerMan D (Deelnemer 5) (1960)

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